Coolant Wizard Senior
The Coolant Wizard Senior is our lead product. It is capable of processing 5 gallons per minute or a 60 gallon sump in 2 hours. The Senior can be moved between machining centers in 3 to 5 minutes.
The only consumables required by the Coolant Wizard are the filter elements. Filters should last approximately a month. Depending on your operation the elements may require changing more or less often.
The Coolant Wizard is the only system to actively attack biological growth. Our onboard ozone generator kills bacteria, fungus and yeast molds. The dual filtration removes fine particles that impair good finishes and shorten tool life.
Bacteria is what causes the “Monday morning odors” that most operators find extremely objectionable.
Killing bacteria and fungus will extend the life of most coolants.
It is important to remove the grit that floats in the sump and interferes with good finishes and shortens tool life. Our dual filtration gets the job done.